Struggling to understand the terminology? Don't panic! Let us help...
- Display Size is how many pieces (units) you will receive for the 'Trade Price'.
- Displays Per Outer is how many displays (CDU's) in a case/carton.
Outer Size is the ‘Display Size' x 'Displays Per Outer’.
i.e. how many pieces (units) you will receive if ordering in case quantity.
Please find example below:
RRP = £1.00
Trade Price Ex VAT = £30.00
Display Size = 50 (50 Foil Packets per box (each Packet RRP at £1.00 each))
Displays Per Outer = 12 (12 x 50 Count Boxes)
Outer Size = 600 (50 Foil Packets x 12 Boxes = 600 (Units))